CFI Project

HPV Vaccination Dosage follow-up study

A study to evaluate the effectiveness of varying doses of HPV vaccine in Indian adolescents over an extended period of over 15 years now

Extended follow-up of the participants of IARC-India HPV vaccination study to evaluate the effectiveness of one, two and three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine in preventing cervical neoplasia. As part of this project 1,000 volunteer (adolescent girls) were vaccinated against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in Sikkim and Mizoram between 2009-11.

This is a multi-centric project that has contributes to the global data that two doses of HPV vaccination, 6 months apart, between the age 9-14 years are highly effective. Current result from this study focused on girls receiving 1 dose of HPV vaccine and it is found to provide solid protection against HPV infection.

FUNDED by: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO).