Books & Manuals
FAQs on HPV Infection & its Prevention, by M. Siddiqi and Swati Y. Bhave,
Published by Cancer Foundation of India, Kolkata, 2009, reprint 2010
HPV vaccines are highly effective and safe in preventing HPV infection, which is the leading cause of cervical cancer. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the efficacy and safety of HPV vaccines, including the most recent clinical trial data. It also discusses the transmission, risk factors, and prevention of HPV infection, as well as the etiological role of HPV infection in cervical cancer.
The book is written in a question-and-answer format, making it easy to read and understand. It is an essential resource for healthcare professionals, patients, and anyone who wants to learn more about HPV vaccines.
History and Development of Three Premier Cancer Treatment and Research Institutes in India, by Sukta Das,
Published by Cancer Foundation of India, Kolkata, 2012
This book provides a detailed account of the history and development of the three pioneering cancer institutes established in India: Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai), Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (Kolkata), and Cancer Institute (WIA) (Chennai). These institutions laid the foundation for cancer treatment and research in the country, and have since become some of the finest tertiary care cancer centers in the world.
The book highlights the vision, commitment, and dedication of the extraordinary people who initiated and built these institutions, overcoming numerous challenges along the way. It also chronicles the steady progress made by these institutions over the years, and their contributions to advancing cancer care and research in India.
The book is based on research funded by the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), and was published with the support of the Cancer Foundation of India. It was released in Kolkata on January 2, 2012 by Nobel laureate Professor Amartya Sen.
Protyakkho Nirikkhoner Madhhome Jorayumukher Prak Cancer Abong Cancer Nirnoyer Poddhoti
(প্রত্যক্ষ নিরীক্ষণের মাধ্যমে জরায়ুমুখের প্রাক্ ক্যান্সার এবং ক্যান্সার নির্ণয়ের পদ্ধতি)
Published by World Health Organization – International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
A Practical Manual on Visual Screening for Cervical Neoplasia by Dr. R. Sankaranarayanan (MD) and Dr. Ramani S Wesley (MD) is a valuable handbook that has been translated into Bengali by the Cancer Foundation of India. It is an essential tool for health workers in the Bangla speaking region, providing them with the knowledge and skills they need to perform visual inspection of the uterine cervix during cervical cancer screening.
This handbook is well-written and easy to follow, with clear instructions and illustrations. It covers all aspects of visual screening, from the anatomy and physiology of the cervix to the diagnosis and management of precancerous lesions and early invasive cancer.
The handbook is also comprehensive, covering both visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and visual inspection with Lugol’s iodine (VILI). It also includes chapters on quality control and training, which are essential for ensuring the effectiveness of visual screening programs.
Overall, A Practical Manual on Visual Screening for Cervical Neoplasia is a valuable resource for health workers in the Bangla speaking region. It is a well-written and comprehensive handbook that covers all aspects of visual screening. I highly recommend it to any health worker who is involved in cervical cancer screening.
Workshop Manuals
Workshop Manual on Community-based Health Assessment & Workshop on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening and Management in Meghalaya (March 2009)
Workshop Manual on Community-based Health Assessment and Cervical Cancer Screening for Women in Mizoram (November 2007)
Workshop Manual on Cervical Screening, Pathology and Management of Cervical Pre-cancer for North East India (April 2006)
Workshop Manual on Cervical Cancer Prevention in North East India (May 2005)
Report on Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control, A Guide to Essential Practice (C4-GEP) by M.Siddiqi, CFI and Martha Jacob, WHO