Regional Civil Society Consultation on Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Kolkata
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are on a rise the world over and alarmingly so in India. NCDs are estimated to account for around 60% of all deaths in India, most of those being premature, leading to loss in potentially productive years of life. In this scenario it has been globally recognized that Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) can play a pivotal role in advancing NCD prevention and control strategies.
The Healthy India Alliance (HIA) in its 2 nd year of operation expanded its reach to include regional issues for advocacy and also initiate inclusion of regional CSOs as members of the alliance in NCD control. As part of the initiative, four Regional Civil Society Consultations on Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) were organized across the country and one was held in Kolkata with a selected group of NGOs working in eastern India. The consultation was held on in Kolkata where 8 regional NGOs actively participated in the deliberation. The meeting was addressed by five subject experts who focused on the issues of prioritizing NCDs, how NCDs are being a barrier to development, the NPCDCS programme where NGOs can play a significant role and the programmes on NCD initiated by the Govt. of West Bengal. Of the several recommendations that emerged around finding more definite action points the unanimous one was to work as a consultative group for streamlining the services of the NCD programmes run by the Govt. of West Bengal.
Chaired By:
Prof. Maqsood Siddiqi, Former Director CNCI & Bose Institute, Kolkata.
Invited Speakers:
Experts from Govt. of West Bengal, All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health, Healthy India Alliance and independent researchers.
Supported by:
Healthy India Alliance, New Delhi.
15th November, 2017.